Thursday, November 19, 2015


TROVA test section seconds before the test, with no thermal insulation and illuminated by the schlieren beam  

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Visit of Dr. Emil GÖTTLICH


We are glad that our colleague Dr. Emil GÖTTLICH from the Institute for Thermal Turbomachinery and Machine Dynamics at the Graz University of Technology, is visiting the LFM and the CREA Lab for two months. Emil will work with Fabio Cozzi on a novel Background-Oriented Schlieren bench and contribute to optical measurements in the TROVA.

Welcome Emil!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

First experiment in the TROVA!

Today, March, Friday 13th, 2015, we run the first experiment in the TROVA! We observed a two-phase flow of MDM from a 3 bar 200 C reservoir.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Preliminary results for Virtual Schlieren visualization in SU2

The pictures show preliminary result for virtual Schlieren visualization of a shock wave (bright line) and a rarefaction fan (dark region).
Top left picture shows the result obtained with a knife angle of 90 deg, a knife angle of 45 deg produces result shown in top right figure while in the bottom row are presented respectively a knife angle of 0 deg and an angle of 31 deg.
This latter value is the one corresponding to the shock-wave slope, so thath's why the shock is badly highlighted!
Tthe flow field was computed using SU2!

We're currently working on CUDA implementation, results will be available soon!