Test Rig for Organic VApors (TROVA)

The facility implements an ORC (either sub-critical or super-critical), where the expansion process take place within a nozzle replacing the turbine. A straight axis converging-diverging nozzle was chosen, being it the simplest geometry providing an expansion from subsonic to supersonic flow in the operating conditions of interest. The size of the nozzle is large enough to guarantee that within the expanding flow a large isentropic core is preserved, thus making it possible to measure temperature and pressure fields without the use of calibrated probes.

Schlieren optical bench

mm. The collimated light beam is deflected by a circular mirror (Mirror 1) before traversing the test section. It is then reflected back to the Schlieren head by the metallic mirror 0 (namely, by the polished nozzle back wall) and focused on the vertically aligned knife edge. The knife orientation allows to visualize the density gradient along the nozzle axis. A cubic beamsplitter (prism) separate the light beam originated by the light source and the reflected one. A lens of 160 mm focal lenght and 50 mm diameter is located behind the knife (Lens 2 ) and forms a real image of the test section on the sensor of a high speed CMOS camera. To allow a suitable long recording time the CMOS camera resolution and frame rate were respectively set to 1024 x 512 pixels and to 100 fps (frames per second), while the exposure time was set to 20μs.
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